The Hunting Party Podcast, Episode 20

Here it is our 20th episode.  This week Frostheim and I talk about Twitter Dev chat, the new Scattered Shots columnist at (hint:  it’s Frost), and we discuss going with 2T9 and 2T10 versus 4T10.  We also answer more of your great e-mail.

Euripides was out this week, but will be back for episode 21.

As always, here is the iTunes store link, the Hunting Party Podcast feed, and the direct XML feed. If you email us comments or questions, we’ll read them on the next show. Send an email to Also, we love iTunes reviews. Every time you neglect to leave us an iTunes review, a feral druid beats a hunter on the DPS meters!

If you don’t do syndicated podcasts, and just want to download this week’s MP3 and play it on your player of choice, click here.