Well the grand weekend alone has come and gone, and I can say that it was delivered as promised. Lots of WoW and relaxation. The weather cooperated too. It was cool and rainy most of the weekend. Just perfect for sitting on one’s butt.
Raiding was a real mixed bag. On Friday night our 25-man team had an excellent outing clearing two wings in Naxx. It was as smooth a run as I’ve been on with this group. On Sunday, with nearly the same people, the continuation run was an utter disaster. Two fresh wings and zero boss kills!? Some nights are just like that. I think a post here and on the guild site regarding teamwork might be incoming.
Our 10-man Ulduar team started to make progress. We still have only gotten Leviathan down, but Razorscale’s days are numbered for certain.
That’s it for this Monday. Enjoy the week folks.