Eight Simple Rules: #1- RSVP

You need to accept or decline your raid invites. If you do not accept or decline but you are waiting online at the time of the raid for an invite you are considered a pug and will only be invited if spots are available 5 minutes before raid start. This is the same time we begin pugging spots as well. Accepting and Declining allows us as officers to confirm people for the raids and know who and what type of raid makeup we are likely to have ahead of time.

Okay, this first rule is common sense 101.  I’m a little disappointed that it even has to be a rule, but c’est la vie.  According to Miss Manners RSVP most likely came about as a polite way to remind people to do something they should already know; if you receive an invitation you should reply.

You should treat a raid invite the same way you would treat a party or wedding invitation.  Are we really too lazy to open up the calendar when we log on and click Accept/Decline?  Apparently so.

Let me go ahead and tell you why it’s a good idea to reply.

  1. It lets the raid leaders know what type of raid composition they’re going to have.
  2. Raid leaders can make a go/no go decision before raid night.
  3. If you accept it greatly increases your chance of actually getting to raid.
  4. If you decline it lets the raid leaders know they won’t have the big heals or big guns for that night.  They can plan accordingly.

Raiding is a team effort.  This is not just about you.  Your actions or in-actions impact your fellow friends and raiders.

I’ve seen people not respond to calendar invites and then get upset when we need players to fill spots and they’re not chosen because we had too many volunteers at that point.

Accept or decline.  If you are unable to make a decision, let the raid leader know that you’re a maybe for that week.  If you’re good, they’ll probably reserve a spot for you.

And finally, if you do accept and invitation, please show up.  Here is a recent guild message of the day.